Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pendoria's Recent Changes Explained

I've seen a lot of confusion around Pendoria and its latest updates recently, I figured it was time to release an unofficial news post to hopefully lessen both the tension and the confusion.

Pendoria Donating To Charity!
Xortrox explained this one really well, so I'll quote him, but I figured it deserved a mention.

In the light of breast cancer awareness month we will be donating 50% of all income from rhodium purchases to a breast cancer charity. (link below)

The charity chosen fights for supporting young victims of breast cancer by supplying welfare measures like rehabilitation, or providing economical support to victims problems with the cost for treatment or medicine. For those interested in everything they do and offer, you can check out this link:
(Page is in Norwegian) https://brystkreftforeningen.no/fa-hjelp/sok-stotte
We hope this will have a positive impact for the Pendoria community and that we can continue doing this in the future.

The breast cancer awareness charity donations will be counting for the month of October. And of course in addition there is an event 4-11th of October as well for this purpose. The event schedule is currently not ordered by date but it is listed.

This has been modified to fix Xortrox's many errors.

Gear Upgrades Are Getting Replaced 
Gear itself will remain the same, however the upgrade feature which added that little +# (eg. +20) to the end is getting replaced with a similar feature. This replacement upgrade is a personal upgrade tied to accounts as opposed to tied to the gear, as now you are upgrading your equipment slots as opposed to the equipment itself.

For a period of one month whatever has been upgraded higher will be the one in effect, the old feature or the new one, after that only the new one will work.

Small Note: Gear upgrades, both before and after have never effected encampment and still don't.

Little Edit: Karubo's ROI sheet has been updated for slots; http://pendcalc.karubo.de/

Golden Cogs
Golden Cogs are a new item being added to the game that possess an extremely confusing drop rate (not effected by any drop boosts and starting at 1 every 5,000 actions). These golden cogs can be exchanged to the server for 5k Spare Parts, therefore setting a base value, as they will be able to be traded via market.

Golden Cogs will be required by the new gear slot upgrades feature to upgrade your weapon slot over level 300, which is equivalent to current gear upgrade +30.

Here's the officially released costs in Golden Cogs;

- 1 Cogs are required per level from 300+ (301 = 1, 302 = 2, etc.)

This used to be 10x larger but Maria changed her mind.

As Maria seemed to leave out, they will be required for all slots, even for TSers.

New Outskirt Buildings
4 new buildings are being added to the guild outskirts, each one of these will add a 1% modifier to all of the guild member's corresponding encampment stat.

Battle Nerfs & TS XP Changes
I talked about this in my last post, it contains a ton of reasoning, graphs, numbers, and cold hard math - if you're interested here it is;

That's It?
So that's all that has changed recently, I plan on doing more of these so if you liked this post please leave an up vote, if you disliked it tell me why in the comment section and I'll consider your opinion. This series of posts is archived below if you missed the last update(s).

Join Pendoria If You Haven't!
If you haven't joined Pendoria it's never too late to start playing! Below I have a referral link that helps me out on the game if you click it and sign up, so please click that link, however if you don't want to you can click the other link.

If you don't care, click the first one, it doesn't hurt you at all.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Dragon's Rundown

This is me, Puls3, exporting and reformatting Dragon's rundown on recent changes to the numbers. This was a lot of work exporting it from Discord and probably much more from Dragon, so yeah.

To be a bit more transparent around the recent changes here's a wall of text about the recent ones.

Gathering XP

This ends up being a UI change but sets the stage for base boosts soon(tm).

Prior, gathering XP per level and required XP per level were something like...

XP_Per_Level = 1.01^(Level)

XP_Req_Per_Level = 1.02^(Level)

As you leveled up your TS skills you started gaining super high XP per action and needing even higher XP to level. This created bigger numbers than the server was happy with so we simplified to something like...

XP_Per_Level = 1

XP_Req_Per_Level = 1.02^(Level)/1.01^(Level)

Now, your XP is independent of level and the level XP scales upward per level.

This solves 2 issues:
  1. Server is happy (Yay)
  2. It's much easier to add base boosts like shown below.


TS Lvl XP: +1 XP per Base Boost Level

Since it's consistent across every level.

*Note that this is not me committing anything to roadmap, just making a point.

TL;DR Gathering XP update makes server happy and creates a better system to add buffs to soon(tm)

Enemy Damage Increase

As some have may have figured out both player HP and enemy damage have an exponential component to them. The driving reason for the change was that the player HP increased much faster than the Monster damage. Something like this:

The outcome is that as players gain levels their progression rate accelerates. For design purposes we consider this bad because the top players gain a disproportionate share of the income (and thus resources) and snowball forward.

TL;DR This was a nerf to mitigate snowballing of the highest level players. Everyone got hit, the higher level you were the more you got hit.

Critical Hit Damage

This is another buff that was out of line with its compatriots. If you think about how Critical % Chance (CHC) and Critical % Damage (CHD) relate it's something like:

Total Damage = (Damage) * (1+CHC) * (1+CHD) = (Damage) * (1+0.01*CHC_Lvl) * (1+0.1*CHD_Lvl)

If you break that out it becomes quite apparent that CHD is significantly more valuable than anything else. To illustrate that, consider going from level 1000 to 2000 with each.

Base: (1 + 0.001 * 1000) * (1 + 0.010 * 1000) = 22

CHC+: (1 + 0.001 * 2000) * (1 + 0.010 * 1000) = 33 (+50%)

CHD+: (1 + 0.010 * 2000) * (1 + 0.001 * 1000) = 42 (+90%)

This is non-ideal since CHD and the other SP damage related boosts (CHC, Power, Dexterity) share the same cost curve as CHD but are less efficient at progressing users. This update takes CHD from OP OP to just OP. Players with a lot more CHD got impacted the most.

TL;DR CHD was super overpowered, now it's just overpowered. I haven't done the math but my guess is that you should still have CHD as your highest SP boost as a combatant.

Base Damage

This and base armor are complete buffs. Nothing was removed regarding how they work but new components were added. Prior, base damage gave damage at a lower ratio versus the other (primary) damage components. At low levels that was fine, but it didn't interact with the part of the equation that was generating the majority of equations for combatants. To put it in rough terms:

Prior_Damage = Power * Weapon_Damage * Stuff + Base Damage

New_Damage = Power * (Weapon_Damage + Base Damage) * Stuff + Base Damage

There are a couple reasons we went this route: 1. Base damage no longer sucks (yay!) 2. Prior, if you had a non-ideal weapon you would struggle versus your peers. Base damage evens the playing field 3. Base damage now scales nicely across all levels and has no real "soft cap". If you double your base damage your damage will see a significant increase (exact % is somewhat dependent on how OP your weapon is or is not)

TL;DR Base damage no longer sucks and has ROI as a sink.

Base Armor

Base armor was a solid option prior to the enemy damage increase which kind of ruined it. This was an oops and an oversight on my end.

What we've done in the latest release is to add in a factor of % damage reduction granted by it.

Prior_Damage_Taken = (Damage) - (Base Armor)

New_Damage_Taken = (Damage) / (Base Armor * Stuff) - Base Armor

Take the above equations really roughly but it now gives an additional small % damage reduction along with the flat reduction you saw prior.

Base armor might still be a bit underpowered, but now it's not useless and in part scales consistently across all levels. This may be worth returning to at some point.

TL;DR Base armor used to be good, was terrible after enemy damage got buffed, now is ok

Out of your League

This is a small change, but basically if you start to snowball super hard and fight level 10,000 enemies as a level 100 player they will be relatively harder than someone who is level 1,000. Progression is tied in some ways to how much "stronger" the enemies are than you based on your level, this acts as a buffer (not blocker) as folks start to push forward. I haven't checked all players but as a general estimation <10% of combatants were affected by this change and anyone under level 7,500 was unaffected (this only kicks in during/after the mid game).